Judge Box-O-Wine Tells Swift To Shut Up And Sing

Other than their token pretend liberal Harold Ford Jr., the hosts did their best to disparage the endorsement, and to pretend that the timing somehow took away from all the headlines about Harris’ debate performance. I hate to break it to them, but that didn’t happen.

Here’s the snide conversation that took place with that super-stud Greg Gutfeld calling Swift “a 4” and all of them pretending the endorsement would have never happened if Harris hadn’t won the debate.

WATTERS: Taylor Swift stepping all over Kamala’s debate night. Just minutes after Harris stepped off the stage to soak up all the liberal media love, Swift snagging all the headlines by endorsing Kamala in a mega Instagram post to her nearly 300 million followers, almost as many as you, Dana.

PERINO: Yeah, right.

WATTERS: Strategically, from a communication’s perspective, do you think this was wise to roll it out like that?

PERINO: I think may be so — well, who knows. Otherwise, because Kamala Harris was finished with the debate, and was the first thing people say? Oh, my gosh, Taylor Swift! And now it’s like, Taylor Swift did because she obviously won, and now we’re talking about Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift, and I think that if the Republicans were smart and they would never talk about it again.

WATTERS: So I need a new E block in my show tonight.

PERINO: Right. After tonight.

GUTFELD: Let’s be honest, she’s a 4. She is like a billionaire. She has her own private jets. Of course she’s going to vote for Kamala. But she always makes it about her. It’s like she couldn’t let Kamala Harris maybe bask in what is perceived to be, like, she didn’t collapse. But no, she had to do it for herself. Typical 4.

WATTERS: Jeanine, do you think, she is so fortunate, do you think if she wanted to wait, to see if Kamala bombs, maybe this post wouldn’t have gone out?

PIRRO: Uh, yeah, I think it might not have gone out, but here is the thing.

Who cares? Okay? I buy music, or I go to a movie, because I like what the actor, his acting, or I like this singer. I don’t give a damn what you think politically. You’re not good to move me one way or another.

But the other thing about all of this is, what makes you think, that the way you think, should influence other people? You sing for a living. Just deal with that.

WATTERS: Harold Ford Jr.?

FORD: I would love for Taylor Swift to endorse anything I’m doing, I think that would be great. I think the real political issue, and I think the judge raises a point, but I would offer a different perspective.

I think the question becomes, if you look at her fans, age 18-30, who have not voted before, who have only, who have voted only in a scant way over the last two or three cycles, how many of them will vote, number one, and number two, where do they live? Maybe they live in the six or seven states that are the most important. I mean, we all know that.

So I think, look, I agree with Dana, this was probably this was a good thing last night for it to happen. I think that the timing couldn’t have been better.

WATTERS: Well, Hulk Hogan’s much more influential, so take that to the bank Harold.

FORD: Yeah, I like Hulk Hogan, but…

GUTFELD: At least we get the men.

PIRRO: Yeah, Kid Rock, real men.


WATTERS: She is fortunate, isn’t she Greg?

GUTFELD: She is a 4-tunate person.

Yeah, who wants a Taylor Swift endorsement when you’ve got Kid Rock and Hulk Hogan? They’re flailing.

Someone wake me up when Kid Rock and Hulk Hogan get that many new voters to register. They still really haven’t figured out how to respond to the asskicking Trump took at the debate other than lame attempts at denying reality, and they’re not dealing with the Swift endorsement much better.

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