Kamala Harris Steamrolled Donald Trump

Last night’s 2024 Presidential Debate was another coming-out party for Vice President Harris.

The Democratic nominee for president took Trump’s initial attacks, turned them on their heads, and belittled the former president.

The moment that solidified her victory was when she mocked Trump’s rally sizes.

That broke Trump.

He immediately turned into a QAnon MAGA guy and started hyperventilating about people eating cats and dogs in the park. Who? What people? MAGA supporters? Marxist Democrats? Trump never named those responsible. Hey, he saw it on TV so it must be real. That was the end of Trump.

Harris took over from then on while Trump got angrier and angrier as the debate continued. The moderators even gave Donald more time to respond to Harris after his allotted expired.

When the topic turned to healthcare, Kamala Harris singled out his confused and lie-filled response to Obamacare.

Trump claimed he saved Obamacare even though he claimed it wasn’t a good plan, which is a lie. Harris called him out, saying he tried sixty times to end Obamacare, but if it wasn’t for the late John McCain, who voted no against him, he would have. Republicans had no plan to replace Obamacare at the time either.

By the way, when Trump was asked what his healthcare plan would be he had no answers except to say he was working on “concepts.”

Trump only had four years in office as he tried to destroy Obamacare and another three years plus to come up with a new healthcare plan, and he had nothing.

When they discussed foreign policy, Kamala called him weak and a disgrace and belittled him by saying his own military leaders as well as foreign leaders were laughing at him.

It was magnificent.

In 2016, Trump steamrolled his way through every Republican candidate in their primaries. Candidates like Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and others had no response to his blustering antics.

But the Vice President quickly blocked every attempt he made to take over the debate by launching into unhinged nonsense, and when she parried, he crumbled. Harris sounded measured, impassioned, and empathetic, while he sounded angry, confused, and flustered.

Harris blistered him on the Afghanistan withdrawal, which the Trump campaign thought would be a winning issue for them. The Vice President brought up Trump’s harebrained agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government entirely. Trump even wanted to invite the terrorist group to Camp David.

Trump failed to mount much of an attack on Harris on his signature complaint, immigration. As Conover wrote earlier, “During Tuesday night’s debate, you could almost feel the souls of Trump’s handlers leaving their bodies.”

Bloaty McBatsh*t quickly slumbered to the spin room on Fox News for aid and comfort and claimed he won the debate, citing a right wing online snap poll. No presidential candidate in modern times has ever gone to the spin room after a debate.

Just after the debate ended, Fox News’, Brit Hume sang his death knell, “Trump had a bad night – this was pretty much her night.”

All in all, Trump got steamrolled by Kamala Harris.

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