Nearly All Of 'Black Nazi

Donald J. Trump’s BFF, the trans-porn-loving, LGBTQ-hating, woman-hating, self-loathing Black Nazi Mark Robinson, the Lt. Governor of North Carolina and gubernatorial candidate, is having a staff problem — Meaning, he doesn’t have much of a staff left after CNN’s jaw-dropping report on his online comments on a porn site. Robinson denied the report and said, “You know my character.” Yes, we sure do, Mark.

And so does his staff. With less than two months before the election, Robinson is down to three staffers, including a bodyguard.

WUNC reports:

A campaign news release said that four top staffers have left the campaign: Conrad Pogorzelski, general consultant and senior advisor who’s worked for Robinson since his initial 2020 lieutenant governor campaign; Chris Rodriguez, campaign manager; Heather Whillier, finance director; and Jason Rizk, deputy campaign manager.

But WUNC has confirmed that other staffers have quit as well, leaving Robinson with just three people working on his campaign — two campaign spokesmen and a bodyguard. The list of departures also include longtime director of operations Patrick Riley and political directors John Kontoulas and Jackson Lohrer.

Sunday’s news release says that new staff hires will be announced “in the coming days.” But hiring a new campaign team less than two months from Election Day will be tough for a campaign rocked by scandal.

I don’t give those staffers any kudos, though. They did not hit the exit door when he told a church full of attendees, “Folks need killing.” Or when his wife ripped off the Girl Scouts, or when he revealed that he and his wife had an abortion procedure years ago, but the N.C. Republican wants a flat-out ban on abortion for everyone else.

Robinson’s long list of appalling remarks should have been a disqualifier a long time ago, but Republicans didn’t care, and his staff didn’t care. I guess being a ‘Black Nazi’ was too much for them. Maybe they prefer white or orange ones, I don’t know.

What rumors could he be talking about?


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