Trump Is A Danger To Democracy. It's Not Wrong To Say It

Almost like he planned it, Donald Trump tried to blame his second assassination attempt on Democrats. Meidas News reported Trump called “Fox and Friends” on September 16 to lash out at Harris and Walz.

But NY Magazine noted that calling out Trump’s threat to democracy isn’t inciting violence.

Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. That was true before an assassination attempt was foiled at his golf course Sunday, and it remains true after. Political violence in general, and assassinating presidential candidates specifically, also poses risks to democracy.”

“There is no contradiction between these ideas whatsoever. Yet Trump’s supporters have responded to both attempts on his life by muddying the waters, exploiting the near-tragedies with cynical efforts to redefine critiques of Trump’s authoritarian inclinations as violent provocation.”

Rick Wilson: Trump Is Using the Authoritarian Playbook

In the video above, former Republican Rick Wilson calls out the latest immigrant smear in Springfield, OH and says they want someone to get killed. It’s part of an authoritarian playbook that goes back pre-WWII.

“The fabricated story about Haitian immigrants eating pets in Springfield, OH is not new. It was taken straight out from a page in MAGA’s racist playbook, and we have seen it time and time again.”

A new Byline Times article from @ZarinaZabrisky goes further, noting the spread of disinformation following the latest assassination attempt on Trump, is consistent with Russian hybrid campaigns.

Fact: Trump Wants to Impose Authoritarian Rule

Trump said he wants to be a dictator. If he’s elected to a second term, he’ll have plenty of help. In July, Heritage Foundation chief Kevin Roberts celebrated the “second American Revolution.”

Another page out of the dictator playbook? The former president’s operatives like Laura Loomer and Russian asset Tim Pool call for violence against anyone who disagrees with Trump.

It Would Be a Danger NOT to Call Out Trump’s Violence

Trump’s been calling for violence and chaos for years. It’s a feature, not a bug of his campaign. NOT calling out Trump’s danger to America is wrong.

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