Women's Rights At Risk: Dobbs Is Only The GOP's First Step

The Dobbs decision was only the GOP’s first step in taking away the rights of women. Watch the news or read Project 2025, you’ll see Republicans were just getting started. Taking away women’s contraception, banning travel to get an abortion, abortion bans and outlawing no-fault divorce are coming.

The Biden-Harris campaign shared a tweet: “A Texas woman who went into septic shock after being denied an abortion because of Donald Trump: ‘I have to use a surrogate now because of what happened to me. The damage to my reproductive organs is permanent.'” Watch the video above.

Republicans Block Bill Giving Women the Right to Contraception

On June 5, Senate Republicans blocked a bill to protect women’s access to contraception. NBC News reported Senate Democrats put the Right to Contraception Act up for a vote to make American voters aware that the GOP does not want to protect access to contraception.

Republicans Want To End No-Fault Divorce

The Guardian reports that some GOP lawmakers want to kick off the draconian policies in Project 2025 early by ending No-Fault divorce laws!

The outlet noted that before no-fault divorce laws were common, “women more likely to experience violence from an intimate partner, were often forced to stay in marriages. If they could not prove that their husband had been abusive or persuade him to grant a divorce, they would not be able to take any assets from the marriage or remarry.” Ironically, Republican governor Ronald Reagan made no-fault divorce legal in California in 1969. Other states followed Reagan’s lead.

Republicans Make It Clear – No Abortions

Forget what the GOP candidates say about a national abortion ban. Read the GOP’s Project 2025 plan for Trump’s presidency. You can download a searchable PDF file of Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership. The searchable PDF file makes it easy for you to search the 900-page document yourself. I’ve listed the pages where you can find this info in the Project 2025 document:

Page 455
“Data Collection. The CDC’s abortion surveillance and maternity mortality reporting systems are woefully inadequate.”
Page 471
Prohibit Abortion Travel.

Medication Abortions

Page 457
“Abortion Pills. Abortion pills pose the single greatest threat to unborn children in a post-Roe world.”
Page 458
“Reverse its approval of chemical abortion drugs.”
Page 459
“Stop approving mail-order abortions.”

Death for Women Who Get Abortions?

In March the Republicans in the South Carolina state legislature introduced a bill to give women who get an abortion the death penalty. They want to make getting an abortion the same punishment as murder. And listen to a Trump ally in Arizona below:

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